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Welcome to the POPS website
Where should we start?
Upcoming Events:
World Meet 2026??
Photo of the Month
29 Jan 2023
JOS State (AZ) record
16 way
Alice Hicks David Robinson Glenn Hall Jr.
Gregory Robertson Jeff DeMent Jerry Gleim
Larry Reecer Lew Hart Mike Groake
Mike Robinson Olaf Schistad Paul Hinen Perry Stone
Steve Woodford Terry Gardner Tom Reiman
Camera: John Lyman
At: Skydive Arizona, Eloy, AZ

website created Dec 2018
Remember to REFRESH the page EVERY time you come to this website as I am CONSTANTLY updating it.
To refresh you can click the refresh button at the top of your browser,
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I would love to have and/or see more POPS: Wingsuiters, CRW, MFS, XRW and anything else people are interested in. I'll try to make it ALL happen!
- Guido - Top POP USA
POPS skydiving parachuting | Pops-usa
This page is for Parachutists Over Phorty years old.
We also have groups for Skydivers Over Sixty,
Jumpers Over Seventy,
Jumpers Over Eighty,
and even Jumpers Over Ninety.
All it takes is ONE jump and being 40 years old to start your journey with this org.
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